
都内近郊、千葉県最大の市街地系 サバイバルゲーム(サバゲー)フィールド バトルシティー [Battle CIty]




とにかく攻めたい人にオススメ [FOR OFFENSIVE PEOPLE]

とにかく攻めたいアグレッシブな人達には、取り回しの良いコンパクトなエアガンをお勧めします。 仲間のバックアップがあれば、ハンドガンだけでフラッグに突進するのことも可能なのが、バトルシティーの楽しいところなんです。 むやみに連射せず、1発1発狙いを定めてヒットする楽しみを味わってみて下さい。
We recommend compact weapons for "attackers" who rush for flags. You may use only a handgun if you get enough backups from your fellows.

静かに狙いたい人にオススメ [FOR SNIPERS]

『山猫は眠らない』(原題: Sniper)や『ザ・シューター/極大射程』(原題: Shooter)バリに人知れずスナイピングにひたりたいあなたには最適です。スコープにターゲットをとらえた瞬間の緊張感を是非味わって下さい。
If you like the movies like "Sniper" or "Shooter", you better try with this weapon. You'll get hooked on this once you see your target through your scope.

守りに撤したい人にオススメ [FOR DEFENSIVE PEOPLE]

縁の下の力持ち。 前線で戦う仲間達を支えるのに最適な装備。 むやみやたらに撃ってしまうと、仲間の進軍の妨げにもなるので要注意。 味方だけじゃなく、敵の動きさえも把握していないと勤まらない、実は難しいポジション。
Your powerful support will help your fellows fight in front line. You have to be aware of tactical situations outthere or you will be able to do nothing.


Scarf can be not only fashion item but also covering-up your neck and a part of your face.
You can protect your knees & elbows from hard surfaces.
指を撃たれると結構痛いんデス! 結構一番の必需品かも。
It's really painful when get hit on fingers! This might be the 1st item you should provide.
High-cut trekking boots are good for protecting your ankles.
目を守る一番大切な装備。 これ無しではフィールドにも入れません。
This is the most important equipment of all. You cannot enter the field without it.
Can be a protection your head and soften the damage from bullets.


もう一つは“チームプレー”です。 一人で出来る事はやはり限られていますし、すぐ飽きてしまうでしょう。

"Honesty" & "Team play" are the keywords to enjoy our field

"Honesty" for airsoft... it may sound little weird to ya.
But it's not too much to say that if everybody play games with honesty, it's ganna be a perfect game for everybody.
You won't be dead by getting shot with BB bullet and it's not really extreme pain so that you cannot ignore.
If you say "I DO NOT GET HIT" although you get hit, everybody has to believe that.
If you do that, you will be called "Zombie" and everybody will hate you.
One more tip to enjoy the games is to know the team play.
First of all, you should find a partner. That will be the first step for you.
What you can do by yourself is really limited and you'll be bored quickly.
Winning games are not only way to enjoy airsoft.